Here to Serve You

The board of directors meets monthly to discuss guild business. All members are invited to attend board meetings. 

Narra Smith Cox


Kat Shanahan

Vice President

Sandra Belozercovsky


Rachel Imsland

Marketing & Membership Director

Nadia Niggli

Programming Director

Cynthia Hoffman


Amandalynn Jones

Director of Jury & Volunteer Events



This person has the authority and responsibility for the administration of the Guild subject to the by-laws and Board directives. The president presides at all meetings of the Board and the membership meetings. The President provides leadership for long-range planning for the guild. This position works in close collaboration with the other members of the Board to assure that Guild activities align with our mission.

vice president

The Vice President will have such duties as determined from time to time by the President or the Board, including leadership for Guild participation in art fairs. The Vice President assumes the responsibilities of the President in the event of their absence or inability to act. The Vice President will assist the President in the performance of their duties as the President directs, including coordinating monthly Board meetings and annual elections.


The Secretary will maintain official documents of the organization in Google Drive. The Secretary will write and provide a copy of the minutes to each Board member following a Board meeting and to the general membership after the Annual Meeting of Members. The Secretary will keep a record of past and current Officers, Board members, committee members, and the general membership. The Secretary will sign documents of the Guild from time to time as required and perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or Board. The Secretary will make sure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, or as required by law; and be custodian of the corporate records. Working in collaboration with other Board members, the Secretary will make room reservations for Board meetings and meetings of the membership.


The Treasure is responsible for the custody of Guild funds and reporting to the Board on the organization’s financial condition and the handling of its monies. The President may assign the Treasurer additional duties. The Treasurer shall provide to the Secretary a list of Members who have paid annual dues by the deadline in advance of the Annual Meeting of Members. The Treasurer reconciles sales following art fairs and other events and assumes other duties as assigned by the President or Board.


The Director of Marketing and Membership is responsible for branding and publicizing activities, primarily through the website, social media, an electronic newsletter, and email and occasionally through print. This position works in collaboration with other directors and members of the guild to facilitate the members’ forum on our website. In addition, this position manages Guild membership processes, including recruitment of new members and annual renewals; this director also assists on an annual feedback survey of members


The Director of Programming provides leadership for the guild’s educational programs/activities and works with other directors and members of the guild to plan and facilitate the programming component of the meetups. In addition, the Director of Programming collaborates with other directors and members of the guild to plan other programs (e.g., popups) and activities to build connections and a network among guild members. This position assumes other duties as assigned by the President or Board.


The Director of Jury and Volunteer Events provides leadership for the Guild’s jury events (chairing the jury committee and convening jury events as needed). In addition, this position manages additional special events such as volunteer opportunities (e.g., Clay Day) and events that showcase Guild members’ work (e.g., gallery shows and exhibits). This position assumes other duties as assigned by the President or Board.

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