January Meetup
Our January 2024 Meetup became a Zoom session due to weather. We broke out into two discussion groups – Creative Processes & Business Development, and New Materials & Techniques. Both groups were informative and sparked new creative directions.
March Meetup
In March, we had an engaging discussion with three local shop owners and fair organizers who work regularly with clay artists: Tammy Schreiter of Hatch Art House, Julie Walser of Paoli Mercantile, and Rosy Hawbaker of The Crafty Fair. We also had a fun Tool Exchange!
May Meetup
Our May Meetup was our first ever Maker Challenge! Members were challenged to create a luminary, candle holder, or lantern to share with the group. A wide variety of fantastic creations made this Meetup extra fun.
Edgerton Clay Day
This was the second year that the Guild participated in this fun community event. Held on July 20th, Guild members volunteered to teach wheel throwing, handbuilding and clay stomping! This year the Guild included a booth with member’s ceramics for sale.
Picnic in the Park
In August, we held our first annual Picnic in the Park. Guild members brought their own picnic and we had a wonderful time chatting about all things clay.
September Meetup
At our September Meetup, Lisa Lang gave us a tour of the MSCR West pottery facilities.
November Meetup
Our November Meetup was all about mixing your own glazes, with guest presenter Scott Draves.
Other Past Events
Guild Members donated over 30 bowls to the 2024 Souper Bowl, Habitat for Humanity’s annual fundraiser.
overture galleries pop-up
Guild members met at Overture Galleries in January to attend the reception of fellow member Susan Kaye’s “W/understory” exhibit.
art fair on the square
16 juried Guild members took part in this annual event on the downtown square in Madison.
6 juried Guild members took part in the Guild’s second year at this event in the middle of downtown Paoli.